Disabled individuals are at the forefront of disadvantaged groups facing many difficulties in social, business, educational life.

However, sexual education is one of the most important problems that are overlooked from the most basic problems of disabled people.

The concept of sexuality that individuals who are in the process of healthy development due to external factors such as various prejudices and socio-cultural values, learn outside the educational environment in an unofficial way becomes a much more difficult subject when it comes to disabled individuals.

However, there is a need for sexuality education that includes specific learning/teaching methods and techniques appropriate to their learning competence so that disabled people can positively behave in the social integration process, protect themselves from possible sexual violence and health risks, and find the sexual identity of disabled people.

Therefore, Persons who will play a key role in education should adopt the complementary role of each other, rather than seeing the responsibilities of parents, and school partnerships on sexuality education, and be creating alternatives to each other.

According to the UNFPA World Population 2014 report, every year 91 thousand daughters giving birth and 1 in 3 of marriages are composed of girls under 18 years of age and in this ratio “Around 68% of girls with developmental and intellectual disabilities are at risk of exposure to sexual violence before the age of 18”. In the other mean, Children with disabilities are 3.4 times more likely to be sexually abused than their non-disabled peers.

P4I is designed to develop a sexual education model/methodology for mentally disabled individuals.

Each activity that constitutes the project content will provide coordinated work of educators/guidance specialists and disabled families, which are the main actors in sexuality education.

All the partners in the project have common problems and needs. All of them work with the adults aged 30-80, especially disabled adults, migrants, women facing social and economic problems. In terms of economic status, most adults have low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system.

Some of them are in a precarious or unsatisfactory and frustrating private, educational and professional situation. In addition, some of them have physical or sensory disabilities and a chronical health problem. They are mostly disadvantageous adults living in a remote, rural and disadvantaged area.

Therefore, this project will contribute to our organisations and our adult members a lot in terms of many aspects. It will:

* contribute in personal development of adults to ensure their active participation to civil society life,

* inform adults about local, national and international opportunities in adult trainings,

* introduce different cultures to adults in order them to achieve an understanding,

* provide a space for adults to develop projects for civil society area,

* encourage adults to take part in youth related decision-making mechanisms in Europe,

* contribute in personal and physical development of disadvantageous adult learners,

* provide leisure time activities using sports as a tool,

* ensure adults to blend in with different cultures on local, national and international platforms by using sports as a bonding tool which comes from its universal nature.

The expected impacts of the project on the participants, the organization and the target groups are enhancing equal access for disadvantageous adults to high quality education and training, developing adult work and other non-formal learning opportunities, providing better links between formal education and non-formal learning, improving the transition between education and training and the labour market and reducing violence on women, migrants and disabled adults.

Project: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035138

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.